

Trends and Directions
Webinars Aug 19, 2020


In this video, 我们讨论网络安全成熟度, industrial control systems, data breaches, network access control, 与苏珊·霍华德一起了解物联网等更多内容, Director, Federal ICS Cybersecurity, Jacobs; Eric Conway, former Technical Director, Cybersecurity, Jacobs; and Dean G. Hullings, Forescout全球防御解决方案战略家.
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Trends and Directions
Webinars Jul 02, 2020


氢的广泛利用有可能在我们走向脱碳的道路上发挥重要作用, sustainable future. Jacobs和Yarra Valley Water最近合作发表了一份思想领导论文,该论文提出了一个问题,即“如果”澳大利亚氢工业的增长可以通过污水处理厂的共同氢气生产来支持,会怎么样? 在这段视频中,我们将与Simon Prunster讨论水务公司在氢气生产中发挥的独特作用, Energy & Yarra Valley Water的排放专家, Michelle Freund, Senior Economist at Jacobs, and Henry Swisher, 雅各布斯能源市场顾问.
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Trends and Directions
Webinars Jul 02, 2020


在2019冠状病毒病临时避难所期间,空置或未充分利用的房屋可能会出现水和空气停滞, uncontrolled humidity, 干燥的卫生系统可能会导致居住者返回时的健康风险. This video, featuring Jesus Garcia Aleman, 亚洲体育博彩平台全球地表水技术领导者, and Charles Funk, 雅各布斯全球建筑系统解决方案总监, 关注建筑物内的水和空气质量问题,这不仅是与建筑物业主和物业经理相关的话题, but to returning occupants.
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Trends and Directions
Webinars Jun 22, 2020

Health Service in the U.S. Post-COVID-19

In this episode, 我们的嘉宾Dina Salvaggio (Jacobs医疗保健咨询公司负责人), APG)和Donn Sorensen(运营执行副总裁), Mercy Health Ministry)讨论COVID-19对美国医疗体系的影响, 在劳动力挑战等领域, financial ramifications, 以及虚拟医学和技术不断发展的作用.
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Trends and Directions
Webinars Jun 08, 2020


在雅各布斯的独家采访中,我们采访了医疗保健专家. Nino Kharaishvili and Dr. 大卫·弗朗茨谈论各种各样的话题, such as how COVID-19 compares to other epidemics and pandemics; what are the best practices for emergency preparedness; what are the most pressing challenges with regards to pandemic preparedness that are not receiving enough attention; how the current pandemic may change the way that healthcare systems respond to future pandemics; and many others.
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